Making a Difference
Transportation Projects
Bates County, Missouri
2 Bridge replacements over the Marais des Cygnes River and the Bates County Drainage Ditch on Route B. Bridge deck replacement over South Deepwater Branch on Route BB.
Boone & Cooper Counties
This project is a Design-Build where Phillips Hardy is subcontractor to Lunda Construction. Our work includes earthwork for the new alignment of I-70 for the new Westbound bridge. Involving blasting rock as well as placing & compacting soil for the new alignment. We have approximately 100,000 cubic yards of soil to place and approximately 80,000 cubic yards of rock to move from the east side of the river to the west side of the river for the new alignment. Strengthening 6ft of both East and West bound shoulders to allow for traffic shift. Addition of 212 LF of storm water drainage systems.
Holt County, Missouri
Work includes pavement improvements from the Missouri River to Little Tarkio creek total length 5.239 miles. Also includes 4.268 miles of pavement improvement North of Forest City and 0.886 miles of improvement to Route 118.
Nodaway County, Missouri
This project includes bridge replacement over Mozingo Creek and Long Branch in Nodaway County, the total length of both improvements being 0.066 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Buchanan County, Missouri
This project includes bridge rehabilitation on Route 116 over the Platte River in Buchanan County. The total length of improvement is 0.266 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Buchanan County, Missouri
This project includes culvert repair on Route 169 in St. Joseph, Missouri. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Daviess & Mercer Counties, Missouri
This project includes scour repair on I-35 at the Grand River near Pattonsburg in Daviess County, and on 136 near Ravanna in Mercer County. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Arkansas & Jefferson Counties Arkansas
Project includes 4 different sites spanning approximately 12 miles of Highway 79. Work includes construction of passing lanes, a 3ft undercut under the entire length of the project, 100,000 tons of stone Backfill, 150,000 CY of select material, and retaining/extending a triple reinforced concrete box culvert. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation.
Saline County, Missouri
This project includes a bridge replacement over I-70, the total length of improvement being 0.127 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Atchison County, Missouri
This project includes bridge rehabilitation over the Nishnabotna River, the total length of improvement being 0.889 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Garland & Hot Spring County, Arkansas
This project includes notching and widening 5.5 miles of Highway 7 with approximately 75,000 CY of excavation and 75,000 CY of embankment. Daily traffic volumes through site estimated at 20,000 vehicles per day. Project includes demolition of existing bridge and replacement with a 12×12 double box culvert. Project includes approximately 10,000 LF of storm drainage, 8,800 SY of sidewalks, and 15,840 LF of curb and gutter.The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation.
Crawford County, Arkansas
This project consists of major flood damage repairs in the Ozark National Forest along about 7.13 miles of Highways 220 and 265. 6 major landslides require the removal and disposal of slide materials, excavations to the bedrock, and replacement of materials with rock buttresses keyed into the bedrock. Average depth of a rock buttress is 25ft with the deepest excavation being approximately 40 ft. Notable quantitates include 55,000 tons of rock fill and 28,000 CY. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation.
Dallas County, Arkansas
This project includes both removal and replacement of existing bridge along Highway 8, and the installation of a detour with a sextuple 96“ CMP pipe crossing. Scope of work is about 0.142 miles. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation.
Franklin County, Missouri
This project includes a rock removal west of Route OO, the total length of improvement being 0.14 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Oregon County, Missouri
This project includes a bridge replacement over Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad and Two Mile Creek, the total length of improvement being 0.112 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Dunklin County, Missouri
This project includes bridge rehabilitation and painting and over St. Francis River, the total length of improvement being 0.361 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Pulaski County, Missouri
This project includes bridge rehabilitation over I-44 in Waynesville, the total length of improvement being 0.02 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Macon County, Missouri
This project includes two bridge replacements – one over Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad in La Plata and another over Billy’s Branch 0.8 miles west of Route K near Ten Mile, the total length of improvement being 0.202 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Ozark County, Missouri
This project includes a bridge replacement over Lick Creek, the total length of improvement being 0.18 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Jackson County, Missouri
This project includes a bridge replacement over Route 78, the total length of improvement being 0.175 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Greene County, Missouri
This project includes grading, paving and bridge rehabilitation over Frisco Highline Trail, the total length of improvement being 6.003 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Jasper County, Missouri
This project includes a bridge redeck on Route U, 0.6 miles north of La Russell. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Holt & Atchison Counties, Missouri
This project includes the rehabilitation of four bridges – one over Spring Creek, 0.5 miles south of Rte. O; one over Easter Creek, 0.8 miles north of Rte. U; and one over Nichols Creek, 0.3 mile east of Rte. B; as well as one 1.3 miles south of Rte. 136 near Phelps City. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Marion County, Missouri
This project includes the rehabilitation of two bridges over a Route 24 outer road and the ramp over Route 24 at the Taylor interchange, 1.5 miles north of Rte. 6. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Holt County, Missouri
This project includes pavement repair and debris removal from Spur 111 in Craig to Route 118 intersection near Big Lake. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Jackson County, Missouri
This project includes a bridge replacement 3.6 miles east of I-435; with the total length of improvement being 0.104 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Barry County, Missouri
This project includes resurfacing and bridge rehabilitation from Dairy Street to Route 60. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Montgomery County, Missouri
This project includes the bridge replacement of the westbound bridge over the Loutre River 2.2 miles west of Rte. 161 near Danville. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation..
Holt County, Missouri
This project includes emergency repairs and debris removal from Route 111 to the bridge over Little Tarkio Creek. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Holt County, Missouri
This project includes emergency repairs and debris removal from the Missouri River Bridge to one mile east of Route P near Fortescue. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
Atchison County, Missouri
This project includes emergency repairs and debris removal from the Missouri River Bridge to just west of the interchange of Route 136 and I-29. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
St. Charles County, Missouri
This project includes bridge rehabilitations in various locations in the St. Louis District as well as bridge rehabilitations on Salt River Road in St. Charles County. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
Schuyler County, Missouri
The project includes the bridge replacement over North Fork Middle Fabius River near Lancaster. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Atchison County, Missouri
The project consists of the replacement of a bridge near Fairfax in Atchison County. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Cape Girardeau County, Missouri
The project consists of the rehabilitation of a bridge over the Mississippi River. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Benton County, Arkansas
The project includes the replacement of one existing bridge structure and construction of the roadway approaches on Highway 264. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation.
Cross County, Arkansas
The project includes the replacement of the existing bridge structure on Highway 75 with a reinforced concrete box culvert in Cross County. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation
Boone County, Missouri
The project consists of a bridge replacement on Route 124 over Grindstone Creek. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Lafayette County, Missouri
The project includes the replacement of both east and westbound bridges on I-70 over Route E and a bridge replacement on Route H over I-70 in Lafayette County, Missouri. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
Douglas and Wright County, Missouri
The project includes two bridge replacements – one on Route T over Little Beaver Creek in Douglas County and another on Route H over Beaver Creek in Wright County. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Benton County, Arkansas
The work includes earthwork, replacement of a W-beam bridge and approaches on approximately 0.14 miles of Route 1785 in Benton County, Arkansas. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation
Jackson County, Missouri
The project consists of construction work on 15 bridges across 15 miles of Route 470 from Blue Ridge Blvd. to I-70 in Jackson County, Missouri. Of the 15 bridges, 2 bridges will include a complete re-deck, 5 bridges will include a low-slump overlay, and the remaining 8 bridges will include rehabilitation’s. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
Jefferson County, Missouri
The work on this project includes the rehabilitation of 21 bridges from Route Z in Pevely, Missouri to Plattin Creek along Route 55, the total length of improvement being 8.105 miles. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
Washington County, Arkansas
The project includes the construction of roadway approaches and the replacement of a composite W-beam bridge on County Road 35 in Washington County, Arkansas. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation.
Van Buren County, Arkansas
The work consists of earthwork, a 3-span, structural steel bridge replacement, and installation of drainage structures on Route 124 over Cadron Creek in Van Buren County, Arkansas. The earthwork includes the placement of 32,000 cubic yards of rock fill and 81,000 cubic yards of compacted embankment with an adjacent borrow site utilized to produce the rock fill. The project owner is the Arkansas Department of Transportation
St. Charles County, Missouri
The work includes earthwork, concrete paving and box culvert construction in order to reconstruct and widen Route N from Eagle Hill Lane to Weiss Road in St. Charles, Missouri. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
St. Louis City County, Missouri
The project includes roadway improvements and a concrete NU-girder bridge replacement over Route 44 in the City of St. Louis. The proejct owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Wyandotte County, Kansas
The work consists of constructing pedestrian bridges and bicycle paths at 3rd Street and Minnesota Avenue in the City of Kansas City for the Kaw Point Connector at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri Rivers. The project owner is the Kansas Department of Transportation
Greene County, Missouri
The design-build project consists of the construction of 3 new bridges along Route 60 in Rogersville, Missouri. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
Wyandotte County, Kansas
The project consists of grading, surfacing, and a replacement of a bridge on Gibbs Road over I-635 in Bonner Springs, Kansas. The project owner is the Kansas Department of Transportation.
Mills County, Iowa
The work on this project consists of new bridge construction on Route 534 over I-29 in Glenwood, Iowa. The project owner is the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Clay County, Missouri
The project includes the construction of a new 880-foot, 11-span flyover precast concrete I-girder and bulb tee girder bridge on a new alignment of Flintlock Road which crossed I-35, Little Shoal Creek, and several drainage ditches. The construction of the project also includes 42,600 cubic yards of unclassified excavation and 51,600 cubic yards of embankment in place; two roundabouts; 24,400 square yards of a 9-inch concrete concrete; and a cast-in-place double barrel box culvert. The project owner is the Missouri Department of Transportation
Various Counties in Missouri
The KTU Safe and Sound Bridges was a design-build bridge replacement pilot project implemented by Missouri Department of Transportation for which Phillips Hardy Inc. was a subcontractor to KTU Constructors. As a result of this successful joint-venture, Phillips Hardy Inc. was able to diversify into bridge construction by building nearly 100 of the 554 bridges in the project.
Buchanan County, Missouri
This project includes the demolition of existing bridges, as well as clearing, grubbing, excavation, grading, pipework, bridge work, asphalt, concrete work, seeding, mulching for the bridge replacements. Locations include the 13th and 22nd Street bridges over Corby Parkway, the Gene Field Road bridge over NE Parkway, King Hill Drive Bridge, 6th Street, 11th street and MacArthur Drive, all in St. Joseph, Missouri. The project owner is the City of St. Joseph.
Henry County, Missouri
This project includes construction of new General Aviation Apron pavement. The project owner is the City of Clinton.
Clay County, Missouri
This project includes demolition of a bridge on NE 188th Street over New Hope Creek and subsequent replacement with a slab-span bridge. The project owner is the Clay County Commission.
Grundy County, Missouri
This project includes paving taxilanes and grading T-hangar site, including 6000 SY pavement removal, 4000 SY LKD Subgrade, and 3700 SY concrete pavement. The project owner is the City of Trenton.
Cole County, Missouri
This project includes construction of a 765-foot long, 12-foot wide bicycle and pedestrian bridge beginning at the state capitol grounds, crossing over Union Pacific’s railroad tracks, and ending on Adrian’s Island. to the Missouri riverfront. The project owner is the City of Jefferson.
Camden County, Missouri
This project includes grading and utilities for extension of runway 15-33 at Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport. The project owner is the City of Camdenton, Missouri
Buchanan County, Missouri
The project consists of the extension of Cook Road, installation of reinforced concrete box, and realignment of Blacksnake Creek Channel. The project owner is the City of St. Joseph, Missouri
Adair County, Missouri
The project consists of the removal and replacement of pavement to reconstruct the Air Carrier Apron, the South Apron and the T-Hangar taxi lanes for the Kirksville Regional Airport. The project owner was the City of Kirksville.
Cass County, Missouri
The work on this project includes the construction of 2,400 linear feet of a 4-lane, divided arterial roadway and 950 linear feet of a 3-lane roadway with bike lanes on Markey Parkway and Towne Center Drive. It also includes approximately 70,000 cubic yards of earth and borrow excavation; significant lengths of 15-inch public sanitarysewer, storm sewer, and 3,800 feet of 12- and 16-inch waterlines; and an 11 foot x 11 foot double box culvert. The project owner is the City of Belton, Missouri
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